DCAT-AP-SE version 2.2.0

Clarifications, translations and explanations of DCAT-AP for Sweden.

Publication date:
8 March 2024
Latest version:
This version:
This version in Swedish:
Previous stable version:
Matthias Palmér - MetaSolutions AB
Caspar Almalander - Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner (SKR)
John Cunningham - Bolagsverket
Ulrika Domellöf-Mattsson - Naturvårdsverket
Hannes Ebner - MetaSolutions
Mattias Ekhem - Myndigheten för digital förvaltning
Björn Hagström - Hagström Consulting
Kjell Hjorth - Lantmäteriet
Lars-Olof Hjärp - Trafikverket
Peter Israelsson - Bolagsverket
Joakim Jenhagen - Bolagsverket
Catrin Karling - Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB)
Thomas Kvist - Region Västerbotten
Marcus Smith - Riksantikvarieämbetet
Kristine Ulander - Myndigheten för digital förvaltning
Mats Åhlin - Svenska Institutet för Standarder (SIS)
Øystein Åsnes - Digitaliseringsdirektoratet (Norge)
Michael Östling - Metagis
Submissions of comments and general feedback:
Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB)
Kungliga Biblioteket
SUHF:s nationella arbetsgrupp för forskningsdata
As well as suggestions and comments on Github.
GitHub diggsweden/DCAT-AP-SE (issues, pull requests)
On behalf of:
Swedish Agency for Digital Government
CC-BY 4.0

DCAT-AP-SE is a metadata specification introduced for the purpose of describing datasets. More specifically, DCAT-AP-SE is a Swedish adaption (a profile) of the European metadata specification DCAT-AP. DCAT-AP in turn, is an adaption (profile) of the W3C recommendation DCAT.

The diagram below shows only the primary classes, their relationships and their mandatory and recommended properties. Note that for readability, classes and properties are introduced using friendly labels in both headings and the diagram below. The actual metadata expressions, i.e. the full URIs of classes and properties, are listed in the details under each respective heading.

classDiagram Catalog --> Dataset : dataset Catalog --> Agent : publisher Dataset --> Distribution : distribution Dataset --> Agent : publisher Dataset --> Contact_point : contactpoint Distribution --> Data_service : access service class Catalog { title description licens release date language date modified homepage theme taxonomy } class Dataset { title description contact point keyword theme time period release date access rights geographical area } class Distribution { web address for access description mediatype availability licens } Catalog --> Data_service : dataservice class Data_service { title endpoint URL endpoint description licens access rights } class Agent { name type } class Contact_point { kind formatted name email }